Thursday 19 May 2016

Promise Ring For Your Girlfriend- Because SHE Is The Best!

Promise Ring For Girlfriend 

A promise ring goes by many names – pre-engagement ring, purity ring or commitment ring. But what exactly does a promise ring mean, why is it given and which finger does it go on? Here, you will get to know a little more about why these rings are making it to the top of the wish lists of many!

Essence of a Promise Ring

Though the definition may vary from one couple to another, a promise ring for girlfriend, friend, wife, or a companion is a symbol of the couple’s love and commitment to each other (and to the relationship). While many couples wear the ring as an indication of future engagement, others may wear it to reflect their devotion for each other. Lovers are always in search of ways to profess their love for their girlfriends, and a ring seems just the right way of doing so. The fact that a ring embraces a lady’s finger as a reminder of her man’s love and commitment is another beautiful reason for gifting a promise ring. Whatever the cause, even though a promise ring is not as important as an engagement ring, it is not to be taken in a light spirit. For many couples, an engagement ring generally follows a promise ring. In case things don’t work out as expected, and the couple decides to part ways, these promise rings may not be returned a la engagement rings. A promise ring is more common in young couples and is akin to a pre-engagement ring. With the promise ring, a boy promises to remain faithful to his girlfriend and also commits to putting a better ring on that finger when they both grow older and are ready. There is neither any specified time nor is this ritual followed by all couples. It’s just a matter of choice. But, a promise ring for girlfriend should be given to one’s beloved only if the presenter is sure of the commitment that he is ready to nurture in the relationship.

Occasions for wearing a promise ring

Promise rings are usually worn on the ring finger of the right hand if the wearer is unmarried; and on the left hand if she is married. But then, it is entirely up to the individual to wear the promise ring on any finger that she chooses to flaunt the same. These rings can also be strung on gold chains or necklaces for imparting a unique appeal.

Different Meanings of Promise Rings

Though a promise ring signifies commitment and is an indication that a relationship is serious (but not enough for an engagement), it can carry various different meanings also.

Romantic promise rings

This ring is a public statement of one’s love and commitment to a relationship.

Purity rings / Chastity rings / Abstinence rings

This ring is a vow to abstain from sex until marriage, and is a symbol of personal commitment.

True love waits rings

This ring also has a similar meaning as a purity ring and promises to practice sexual abstinence till the marriage rites are performed along with the support of family members and friends.  

 Friendship rings and loyalty rings

This ring shows attachment which is platonic (between two friends) but has the potential to grow into a stronger relationship.

Claddagh rings

This is a traditional Irish ring that flaunts a unique design to symbolize love, friendship and loyalty.

Faith rings / Christian rings / Religious rings

This ring is worn by both men and women and is a commitment to God; it is a promise to keep oneself pure till marriage.

Poesy rings

This is a simple band made of gold with an inscription on the outer surface that may either be a sentiment, brief phase, or poem. It was once a token of love.

Eternity rings / Infinity rings

This is a lady’s ring which is also (sometimes) worn by men; an, it is the ultimate gift of love that can be given. The giving of this ring is an important event in a couple’s relationship and symbolizes never-ending love.

Surprising your girl with a promise ring

Giving a promise ring can either be a fun-filled event or a romantic and thoughtful occasion.


This is the easiest way of gifting your promise ring to your girlfriend. Wrap the ring and choose a special occasion to give it to her – be it Valentine’s Day, her birthday or Christmas. Ensure that you are present when she sees her gift; you may like to explain the significance of the gift and how you feel about it. It can be given on your anniversary as well!

Visiting a romantic location

Take your girlfriend to a location that has special significance for both of you, such as the restaurant where you first dated. This would make an ideal setting for giving her the promise ring.  

Buying the ring together

Letting her know in advance about your commitment to the relationship and your decision to give her a promise ring is another way of presenting the ring. You can tell her about the seriousness of your relationship. If you are planning to follow it up with an engagement ring, you can talk to her about it also.

Things to know while gifting a promise ring

  1. Gifting a promise ring is a serious step taken in a relationship. Don’t treat it lightly or don’t give a promise ring just because you want to show off to others.
  2. A band is not a good idea of a promise ring which will only confuse your girlfriend and all those around her. Give her anything else which will look good on her fingers.
  3. Save the ring finger for the wedding ring and slip the promise ring onto any other finger of your girlfriend; or into the ring finger of her right hand.
  4. Make sure that you state your commitment clearly while slipping the finger. Unsaid words should not be a source of confusion later on. Your commitment in words will remind your girlfriend about the beautiful words that were spoken to her every time she looks at her ring.
A promise ring is not mandatory in a relationship. But if you intend giving a promise ring to your girlfriend, dwell on your decision and give it a serious thought. After all, a promise ring is a pledge of your love for your girlfriend, and it is a promise that you will not break, come what may.
This article “Promise Ring For Your Girlfriend- Because SHE Is The Best!” originally published at Dazzlingrock blog.

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